Tuesday, March 26, 2013

There are No Absolutes

I am not one for extremes and absolutes. At least I try not to be. I find that it doesn't serve me. Or more accurately  I am realizing this now.

Parenting will teach you this very quickly. However, it's a matter of acknowledging it and accepting it, which can be hard.  Recently, I have been reading many articles about parenting - stress free parenting, parenting choices, reminders for new parents like this. And I believe that if you are in the right place at the right time (this applies to anything really) you'll make connections to things and learn from them. So all of these articles have been pointing to this - there are no absolutes in this world. 

Sure, you can argue that 2 + 2 = 4. But I am talking about the choices we make for ourselves and our families. As a pregnant-soon-to-be-mom, I had ideas about how I would parent, what I would feed my child, how I would provide for my family. What I realize is that it changes. Constantly. I can't pretend to know it all and have it figured out.

Instead I am learning to live with the uncertainty. I am learning that it's OK that my daughter eats some pre-made baby food, even if I really want her to eat all homemade foods. I am learning that sometimes nap times change. And sometimes I will eat pasta 3 nights in a row, because leftovers from Dominick's  are really good.

There are times when it is easier to accept than others. Like with my eating habits. (I can do what I want, right?) But I want to be a good role model for my girl, so I make better choices (sometimes). And other times it takes a while for it to sink in. I'm doing the best that I can for my daughter and I will continue to learn from my experiences. 

It's a balancing act. It's about acceptance and forgiveness. It's about leaning towards balance.

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