Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mission & Vision - How

I was fortunate enough to be in the presence of Eric Booth last week and was inspired to write my own Mission and Vision statements. During the session, Eric asked the fellows to write a note (like a valentine) to another fellow, sharing one or two ideas for that person to consider when writing these statements. At first people were shy and didn't want to participate, but once each fellow got a note from someone else, everyone started to have a good time. It gave me an idea.

I emailed several friends and asked them "What do you think of when you think of my career? What should I be thinking about? What have I spoken passionately about? What have I forgotten?" The response was amazing.

Everyone thought it was a great idea. They applauded me for reaching out and asking. Some of my friends who know me personally - their responses came quickly. Others, who I know from work, wanted to take time to think it over, since they have seen in a variety of jobs, doing all sorts of things. No two responses were the same. And yet, they all reminded me of who I am and what I want out of life. The whole process reaffirmed that I am doing exactly what I should be doing right now. 

I may not have it all figured out. I won't be making any major life changes in the near future. I am slowly returning to a place where I feel good about my life and comfortable in knowing that I am exactly where I am meant to be. When I have time to cook good foods for my family. When I have a chance to walk a few extra blocks to go to the vegetable stand (and eating 16Handles for lunch on that very same walk). When I have friends over for dinner, and I don't stress about the state of the apartment (they will love me whether or not every toy is put away). When I have time to write and think. And yes, when I know that I will most likely miss another day of work because my daughter is sick. 

Part of my mission is to share my story. This blog is how I plan to do it.

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