Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What if what I want...

Is different from other people?
Doesn't conform to the American dream?
Challenges me in a new and exciting way?
Means serious business?
Is what I was meant to do?

These are the questions I am facing now. A little light philosophical internal debate. I want to lean into it, trust that the universe will support me, and come out on the other side stronger and better for it. 

I am racking my brain trying to figure out what my purpose is. I have started reading for inspiration. I have started writing for clarity (again). If you have suggestions, I am open to hearing them.

Monday, July 15, 2013

When is a mistake a mistake

I may have made a mistake. I am not sure. It might be too soon to tell, or it might just be a mistake and it's time to forgive myself and move on.

I wanted a change. I knew that the state I was in wasn't healthy. I knew it would help to take a big risk. So I did. Now I am hoping this is just a tangent that will help me in the long run.

I know we each have the power to view every obstacle as an opportunity. I am trying. Perhaps this opportunity is the one where I get out of the rat race. 

No one was hurt, except perhaps my pride. For that I am grateful. 
