The other morning, my husband asked me, "What happened to the blog?" Well, let's see. I had my final days working at the job I had been at for over 6 years. There's drama at the daycare. I started another private mama group online. And I didn't think I had much to say.
I woke up on Thursday and didn't have a job to go to. Not exactly. I have a job to go to in a few days, but for a week, I have off. So I went to my new job to sit in on a staff meeting, to get to know some of my colleagues and to visit the brand new facilities. In the meantime, I'm making lists of things to do, people to call, birthday parties to plan, things that need to be bought for the apartment. Oh yeah - and time to spend with the babe.
Wednesday was emotional. It was my last day at CH. I was fine until about 5PM. Then I started to lose it. I worked at CH for 6.5 years. In my job prior, I spent time there too, so it was more like 9 years. I have watched so many of my friends leave and start new adventures. I thought I was prepared to leave without any tears. It hurt - more than I care to admit. My last moments were spent on stage, looking out to an empty house. Remembering all the times I welcomed audiences to the education concerts. As I walked off, the stage hands opened the door, just as they do for all the great conductors and soloists. This is how I choose to remember my time there. It doesn't get any better.
Leaving CH and starting a new job is how I'm leaning towards balance. I know that things are going to be crazy for a while - the longer commute, learning a new job, trying to find a way to be "on" when I get home so I can give my daughter my undivided attention. Somehow it seems worth it. To choose this new adventure. I imagine that I will have some time to think on my extra long commute. Hopefully I will continue to find things to say. We'll see.
That's what happened to the blog.